Naval Fighter

Naval Fighter
Naval Fighter (1145)
Votes : 17
Note : 4/5
Joué : 4132

Vous allez pouvoir jouer au jeu naval fighter, un des meilleurs autres jeux d'action !
Ce jeu a été un joué par 4132 autres joueurs et possède une note de 4 sur 5.

Commentaires et Solution pour le jeu naval fighter

  1. Invité

    Ships have something clelad as gangways on both port and starboard side. These are basically aluminium ladders and can be lowered or hoisted via a pneumatic motor. Also ships have pilot ladders which can be used to board only if you dont have luggage.In case the ship is abandoned or you are a pirate then you need a claw hook which gets entangled on rails,pipes etcand yo climb up on the ship via rope. Somalian pirates board the ships in this way.

  2. Invité

    Ships have smnethiog called as gangways on both port and starboard side. These are basically aluminium ladders and can be lowered or hoisted via a pneumatic motor. Also ships have pilot ladders which can be used to board only if you dont have luggage.In case the ship is abandoned or you are a pirate then you need a claw hook which gets entangled on rails,pipes etcand yo climb up on the ship via rope. Somalian pirates board the ships in this way.

  3. Invité

    c'est un meilleur jeu