Maggies Germy Roundup

Maggies Germy Roundup
Maggies Germy Roundup (1564)
Votes : 1
Note : 4/5
Joué : 1900

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Commentaires et Solution pour le jeu maggies germy roundup

  1. Invité

    Oh my goodness! That is a lot of bfniarg kids! Yikes! I hope you guys don't all get it. I am just thankful that if he was going to get sick, it happened today. If he had spiked a temp during surgery they would have thought anesthesia reaction and pumped him full of steroids. And if he had spiked post-op, they would have thought he had an infection from the surgery, and pumped him full of the big gun antibiotics. It is just frustrating. Ah well, he is rescheduled for November 11th. 2 more weeks of anxiety, instead of 2 months.