Jeu de tir sur des zombies facile

Votes : | 139 |
Note : | 4/5 |
Joué : | 8437 |
Vous allez pouvoir jouer au jeu jeu de tir sur des zombies facile, un des meilleurs jeux de zombie !
Tirer sur tous les zombies avec la souris.
Ce jeu a été un joué par 8437 autres joueurs et possède une note de 4 sur 5.
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Commentaires et Solution pour le jeu jeu de tir sur des zombies facile
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un peu trop facile
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wesh les gens parler moi
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trop bien le jeu mais va un peu vite
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vous etes ke des anglais ou koi
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By Tray Palazax, 5 August, 2011 at 6:24 pmI agree its a massive irepovmment over the first game , I'd say the first game was awsome too. It was at the top of its game back than and no the demo of the Deadrising game is not like the real game at all.But I would venture to say something else as a starter, Big irepovmment yes, but I open with. They found the guts to spend the money on the real grafix engine People. Play this game, it's awsome. Chuck Green as the main Charecter is the big plus, a bonus. This guy is the super star the make him out to be, and he's a hero at home, him and Katie make this game so believable. I can cry when Katie needs her father.All bull aside I was sceptic, but now I'm a believer. I have Level 50 s on multiple accounts. One wish . Next DR3 Multiplayer slayer on the maps Casinos Park . Malls ect. I want to combo a weapon and kill my buddies for a rank. All this with the Zombies lol
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You put the lime in the cocunot and drink the article up.